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Introduction—From “Groups” to “Institutions”: In Pursuit of an?Evolutionary Foundation for Human Society and Sociality?
Kaori Kawai
Part I: The Mechanism of the Formation of Institutions
1 The Formation of Institutions
Toru Soga
2 An Institution Called Death: Towards Its
Arche ?Motomitsu Uchibori
3 Institution and Ritualization
Masakazu Tanaka
4 Children, Play, Rules: Places of Expression of Institution
Hitoshige Hayaki
5 The Day Teaching Becomes Institution: An Evolutionary ?Horizon From Apes to Humans
Hideaki Terashima
Part II: Concrete Phases of the Emergence of Institutions
6 Who is the Alpha Male? The Institutionality of Dominance?Rank in Chimpanzee Society
Hitonaru Nishie
7 Duality of the Mode of Coexistence and Action Selection:?Groups and the Emergence of “Institutions” in Chimpanzees?
Noriko Itoh
8 When Keeping One’s Ears Open for the Distant Voices of?Others: The Process-Oriented Convention in Chimpanzees?and Institution
Shunkichi Hanamura
9 Peace Building in the Wild: Thinking about Institutions from?Cases of Conflict and Peace in Sulu
Ikuya Tokoro
10 Institutionalized Cattle Raiding: Its Formalization and Value?Creation Amongst the Pastoral Dodoth
Kaori Kawai
Part III: Theory for the Evolution of Institutions
11 What Connects and Separates Pre- and Post-Institution?
Koji Kitamura
12 Living One’s Role Under Institution: Ecological Niches and?Animal Societies
Kaoru Adachi
13 Proofs in Mathematics and the Performance of Institutions:?A Study of Evolution Starting from Kepler’s Equation?
Naoki Kasuga
14 Basic Components of Institution: Understanding?Institution According to Triangular and Tetrahedral Models
?Takeo Funabiki
Part IV: The Expansion of Institution Theory
15 The Ontology of Feeling: The Evolutionary Basis of “Natural?Institutions” in Inuit Extended Family Groups
Keiichi Omura
16 The Institution of “Feeling”: On “Feeling Inside” and?“Institutionalized Envy”
Yuko Sugiyama
17 Was the Old Woman’s Death a Suicide? A Discussion on the?Basis of Institutions
Ryoko Nishii
18 The Evolutionary Foundations of Institutions: Rule, Deviation,?Identity
Suehisa Kuroda
Name Index
Subject Index
Introduction—From “Groups” to “Institutions”: In Pursuit of an?Evolutionary Foundation for Human Society and Sociality?
Kaori Kawai
Part I: The Mechanism of the Formation of Institutions
1 The Formation of Institutions
Toru Soga
2 An Institution Called Death: Towards Its
Arche ?Motomitsu Uchibori
3 Institution and Ritualization
Masakazu Tanaka
4 Children, Play, Rules: Places of Expression of Institution
Hitoshige Hayaki
5 The Day Teaching Becomes Institution: An Evolutionary ?Horizon From Apes to Humans
Hideaki Terashima
Part II: Concrete Phases of the Emergence of Institutions
6 Who is the Alpha Male? The Institutionality of Dominance?Rank in Chimpanzee Society
Hitonaru Nishie
7 Duality of the Mode of Coexistence and Action Selection:?Groups and the Emergence of “Institutions” in Chimpanzees?
Noriko Itoh
8 When Keeping One’s Ears Open for the Distant Voices of?Others: The Process-Oriented Convention in Chimpanzees?and Institution
Shunkichi Hanamura
9 Peace Building in the Wild: Thinking about Institutions from?Cases of Conflict and Peace in Sulu
Ikuya Tokoro
10 Institutionalized Cattle Raiding: Its Formalization and Value?Creation Amongst the Pastoral Dodoth
Kaori Kawai
Part III: Theory for the Evolution of Institutions
11 What Connects and Separates Pre- and Post-Institution?
Koji Kitamura
12 Living One’s Role Under Institution: Ecological Niches and?Animal Societies
Kaoru Adachi
13 Proofs in Mathematics and the Performance of Institutions:?A Study of Evolution Starting from Kepler’s Equation?
Naoki Kasuga
14 Basic Components of Institution: Understanding?Institution According to Triangular and Tetrahedral Models
?Takeo Funabiki
Part IV: The Expansion of Institution Theory
15 The Ontology of Feeling: The Evolutionary Basis of “Natural?Institutions” in Inuit Extended Family Groups
Keiichi Omura
16 The Institution of “Feeling”: On “Feeling Inside” and?“Institutionalized Envy”
Yuko Sugiyama
17 Was the Old Woman’s Death a Suicide? A Discussion on the?Basis of Institutions
Ryoko Nishii
18 The Evolutionary Foundations of Institutions: Rule, Deviation,?Identity
Suehisa Kuroda
Name Index
Subject Index