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Bali and Hinduism in Indonesia
The Institutionalization of a Minority Religion
ISBN: 9784814004126
発行年月: 2022/02
記述言語: 英語
発行元: Kyoto University Press & Trans Pacific Press
Why is Bali the only Hindu island in Muslim Indonesia?Although Indonesia is overwhelmingly Muslim, 90 percent of the population in Baliis Hindu. In Bali and Hinduism in Indonesia, acomprehensive study of Hindu society and culture in Indonesia, Yasuyuki Nagafuchi examines Bali since the colonial era and details the development and institutionalization of Hinduism as an official religion. By analyzing how Hinduism continues to respond to changes in Bali and throughout Indonesia, this book explores the relationship between religion and the state, and traces the history of Parisada Hindu Dhanna, Indonesia's most representative Hindu organization. From its founding to its rupture at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the author provides a complete history of Parisada and examines the conflict and contradictions between a religion based on Balinese rituals and ceremonies and Hinduism as a global religion. In doing so, this book identifies the unique characteristics of Hinduism in Indonesia today.