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: The Evolution of Human Sociality

Kaori Kawai ed

472 pages

ISBN: 9784814000906

pub. date: 02/17

  • Price : JPY 5,400 (with tax: JPY 5,940)
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As the sequel to Groups: The Evolution of Human Sociality (Trans Pacific Press, 2013), this book continues to present the cutting-edge studies conducted jointly by sociological primatologists and ecological anthropologists in Japan. They seek to discover the essential qualities of ‘institutions’ by tracing back to the world of apes and monkeys, where ‘natural institutions’ are formed without the medium of language. To comprehend the characteristics of contemporary institutions, the authors find it necessary to go back to the origin of the evolutionary process and then uncover the gradual development through the hunter-gathering phase to the modern era. The chapters examine institutions from a diverse range of evolutionary angles, including such topics as encounters with death, children’s games, cattle rustling and mathematical proofs, and attempt to show how the concept of institutions can be applied to these settings. This collaborative work between primatologists and anthropologists shows that the understanding of ‘pre-institutional phenomena’ in the world of non-human primates is essential to modern human institutions.



Introduction—From “Groups” to “Institutions”: In Pursuit of an?Evolutionary Foundation for Human Society and Sociality?
Kaori Kawai

Part I: The Mechanism of the Formation of Institutions
1  The Formation of Institutions
Toru Soga
2  An Institution Called Death: Towards Its
Arche ?Motomitsu Uchibori
3  Institution and Ritualization
Masakazu Tanaka
4  Children, Play, Rules: Places of Expression of Institution
Hitoshige Hayaki
5  The Day Teaching Becomes Institution: An Evolutionary ?Horizon From Apes to Humans
Hideaki Terashima

Part II: Concrete Phases of the Emergence of Institutions
6  Who is the Alpha Male? The Institutionality of Dominance?Rank in Chimpanzee Society
Hitonaru Nishie
7  Duality of the Mode of Coexistence and Action Selection:?Groups and the Emergence of “Institutions” in Chimpanzees?
Noriko Itoh
8  When Keeping One’s Ears Open for the Distant Voices of?Others: The Process-Oriented Convention in Chimpanzees?and Institution
Shunkichi Hanamura
9  Peace Building in the Wild: Thinking about Institutions from?Cases of Conflict and Peace in Sulu
Ikuya Tokoro
10  Institutionalized Cattle Raiding: Its Formalization and Value?Creation Amongst the Pastoral Dodoth
Kaori Kawai

Part III: Theory for the Evolution of Institutions
11  What Connects and Separates Pre- and Post-Institution?
Koji Kitamura
12  Living One’s Role Under Institution: Ecological Niches and?Animal Societies
Kaoru Adachi
13  Proofs in Mathematics and the Performance of Institutions:?A Study of Evolution Starting from Kepler’s Equation?
Naoki Kasuga
14  Basic Components of Institution: Understanding?Institution According to Triangular and Tetrahedral Models
?Takeo Funabiki

Part IV: The Expansion of Institution Theory
15  The Ontology of Feeling: The Evolutionary Basis of “Natural?Institutions” in Inuit Extended Family Groups
Keiichi Omura
16  The Institution of “Feeling”: On “Feeling Inside” and?“Institutionalized Envy”
Yuko Sugiyama
17  Was the Old Woman’s Death a Suicide? A Discussion on the?Basis of Institutions
Ryoko Nishii
18  The Evolutionary Foundations of Institutions: Rule, Deviation,?Identity
Suehisa Kuroda

Name Index
Subject Index