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Oriental Research Series No.46

Studies on the History of the Jürched Tribes in the Ming Period

Kawachi Yoshihiro

842 pages

ISBN: 9784876985036

pub. date: 08/92

Written Language: Japanese

  • Price : JPY 17,476 (with tax: JPY 19,223)
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1: The International Surroundings of Jurched in Ealy Ming Period
2: The International Position of Left Chien-chou Guard
3: On the Incident of Yang Mu-ta-wu
4: The International Position of Chien-chou Guards
5: Jurched Court Guards the Early Period of Yi Dinasty
6. Migration and Agriculture
7. On Wu-che Guard
8. Hulun Wu-ti-ha's Visit to Choson
9. The Battle of T'u-mu and its Influence on the North-East Region
10. Choson King Sejo's Unsuccessfull Ideology of tzu-hsiao chih I'
11. Sin Suk-chu's Expedition to the Jurched
12. The treatment of t the Jurched Visiting Choson Court
13. The Groups of Chao San-po
14. The Campaign in the third Year of Ch'eng-hua
15, The Campaign in the Fifteenth Year of Ch'eng-hua
16. The Expedition by Choson King Songjong to Tung-ching-ch'eng
17: On A-su-chiang Guard
18: The Development of Sable Trade
19: The Relationships between the Jurched and Korea during the
Era of Yonsan'gun
20: The Relationships between the Jurched and Korea during the
Reign of Chungjong and Myongjong
21: The Decline of the Three Guard of Chien-ghouand the
Rise of the New Powers