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Japan Studies in Classical Antiquity Vol.1

The Classical Society of Japan ed.


ISBN: 9784876985586

発行年月: 2011/04

記述言語: 英語

  • 本体: 2,000円(税込 2,200円
  • 在庫なし
  • mixiチェック


Katsutoshi Uchiyama


Sadao Ito,
Evidence, Theories and the Ancient Economy: A Critical Survey of Recent Work

Naoko Yamagata,
Male and Female Spaces in Homer and in Heike monogatari

Makoto Anzai,
Tetsuro Watsuji as one of the pioneering classicists in Japan and the Iliad ()

Shinji Tanaka,
Justice and Reward: On the Art of Wage-earning in Book 1 of the Republic

Yahei Kanayama,
Plato as a Wayfinder: To Know Meno, the Robbery Case and the Road to Larissa ()

Atsushi Kawatani,
The Place of Fear and Shame in Aristotle

Martin Ciesko,
Menander’s self-advertisement or life in and out of the canon

Oliver Taplin,
Antiphanes, Antigone and the malleability of tragic myth